Area VII - Takeoffs, Landings, and Go-Arounds

Task A - Normal Takeoff and Climb

Lesson on the basics of the takeoff and climb.

Task B - Normal Approach and Landing

Lesson on the basics of approach and landing.

Task C - Soft-Field Takeoff and Climb

How to operate and depart from a soft (grass) field.

Task D - Soft-Field Approach and Landing

Operating at soft (grass) or unimproved airfields.

Task E - Short-Field Takeoff and Maximum Performance Climb

Lesson on maximum performance takeoffs and climbs.

Task F - Short-Field Approach and Landing

Maximum performance landings, and operating from small, confined airfields.

Task M - Slip to a Landing

Lesson on performing a slip to a landing.

Task N - Go Around and Rejected Landing

Basics of go-arounds, and the situations where they are required.

Task O - Power-Off 180 Accuracy Approach and Landing

A required commercial maneuver that demonstrates precision management of a power-off glide to a spot landing.