Coast-to-Coast in the Mooney M20J
<< Leg 18 - Las Vegas, NV to Sedona, AZ | Trip Home | Leg 20 - Moab, UT to Santa Fe, NM >> |
We're Ryan and Katherine, and we flew coast-to-coast in 2021 with our dog Magic 🐶.
<< Leg 18 - Las Vegas, NV to Sedona, AZ | Trip Home | Leg 20 - Moab, UT to Santa Fe, NM >> |
We got an early start on the day and checked out and headed up to the airport to depart. This was the first leg of a very long day, we departed VFR, leaving Sedona (beautiful flying again) and headed up to the Grand Canyon Dragon Corridor, which going northbound took us up to 11,500 MSL, the highest we would go on the entire trip. We had beautiful weather, beautiful views over the Grand Canyon, but in my opinion it is absolutely nothing compared to what came next. We flew over Horeshoe Bend, Glen Canyon, and Monument Valley. Monument Valley was absolutely amazing to fly over, and seeing the landscape that has been in so many movies was really cool. We then continued up over Canyonlands National Park to Moab, UT. This was easily the most scenic area of the entire trip. There were quite a lot of low-ish (2-3000 ft AGL) scattered to broken clouds and light snow around the Moab area, so I was fairly anxious and keen not to linger too long and get stuck between low clouds and high terrain. We grabbed a crew car and drove the 13 very scenic miles down to Moab to grab some lunch (some fairly average tacos) and then came back.