Area II - Technical Subject Areas

Task A - Aeromedical Factors

Lesson on factors such as hypoxia, vision, etc.

Task B - Runway Incursion Avoidance

Lesson on how pilots can avoid runway incursions.

Task C - Visual Scanning and Collision Avoidance

Lesson on the proper techniques for collision avoidance, especially at uncontrolled airports.

Task D - Principles of Flight

Lesson on basic aerodynamics, how wings create lift, etc.

Task E - Airplane Flight Controls

Lesson on the types and purpose of the flight controls.

Task F - Airplane Weight and Balance

The reasons behind weight and balance calculations and how they are performed.

Task G - Navigation and Flight Planning

Cross-country navigation and flight planning, including weather, plotting a course, etc.

Task H - Night Operations

The factors and risks involved with night flying and how to operate safely after dark.

Task I - High Altitude Operations

Lesson on topics such as oxygen masks, and oxygen requirements.

Task J - 14 CFR and Publications

Introduction to the FARs, the AIM, and other FAA publications.

Task K - National Airspace System

Lesson on the NAS, the various classes of airspace, etc.

Task L - Navigation Systems and Radar Services

Lesson on the operating principles of various navigation systems, and an introduction to flight following and other ATC services.

Task M - Logbook Entries and Certificate Endorsements

Lesson on the required logbook endorsements and other CFI record keeping requirements.