Coast-to-Coast in the Mooney M20J
<< Leg 7 - Twin Falls, ID to Pendleton, OR | Trip Home | Leg 9 - Portland, OR to Seattle, WA >> |
We're Ryan and Katherine, and we flew coast-to-coast in 2021 with our dog Magic 🐶.
<< Leg 7 - Twin Falls, ID to Pendleton, OR | Trip Home | Leg 9 - Portland, OR to Seattle, WA >> |
While in Pendleton, I kept a close eye on the weather. Pretty ugly weather was continuing for a few days up in Seattle, so we decided to stop in Portland on the way to Seattle rather than when we were returning from Seattle. Despite some mid-level clouds in Portland, the weather in Pendleton was nice and clear, I decided that there was good enough VFR along the Columbia River into Portland, so decided to go VFR down low. We had gorgeous views of Mt. Hood during landing in Portland-Troutdale. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the fuel and tiedown ($2/night) were very cheap in Portland. We spent two nights here, and went to dinner and for a walk around town with Katherine's friend Cem (and family) from her previous company. We stayed directly downtown, in what ended up being a very reasonably priced suite. We had some excellent food, including a great French Dip restaurant, a Cookie Dough "Scoop Shop", and Voodoo Doughnuts. Portland itself was a bit scary, with a lot of homeless everywhere. One afternoon I walked to the Apple Store, which was barricaded like the US Embassy in a hostile country. Overall, we managed to avoid the scarier parts of town and enjoyed walking around some.